Monday, August 27, 2007

The weight game...

Losing weight is a constant battle for me. I'm good for a week or so and then my mind wanders and my focus falters and all is lost at least for the time being! I'm am the "Frequent Dieter".

My life is a perpetual circle of good girl, bad girl and ultimately, in the end I continue to have disdain for myself at all levels and unfortuantely that disdain has leaked over into other areas of my life. As I age I become more reclusive, more anti-social and more apathetic toward life in general. I have always been quite fit until the last couple of years, I had two serious hospitalizations 2005 and 2006. Totally out of the blue, a serious appendectomy with infection which left me in the hospital 2 weeks (and we know---nobody stays in the hospital for 2 weeks anymore!) and then almost a year to the day a ruptured bladder of all things. Started my visit with my best friend in the ER, the OR and Intensive Care another 12 days hospital stay. At least we had an extended visit after the hospital as I recuperated at her home!

So here we are today-healthy, flabbly and overweight; I'm not gross not by some standards but in America today, that's not saying much. I am gross by my standards! I weigh 222 and I'm about 5' 81/2"--well porportioned -. I'd love a breast reduction have always said I would do so IF I lost enough weight.

I have decided to start a blog as I way to get things off my chest where food is concerned; its kind of like a diary of my life for anyone to see; an accountability of sort.